Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Business Reflection #5

FDA weighs risks of 3-person embryo fertilization
February 25, 2014

The article I wrote is about the federal health regulators considering a new fertilization technique to create babies using the DNA of three people instead of two. The goal would be to prevent a genetic disease from transferring from mother to the baby. The discussion for the FDA is known as "scientific, technological and clinical". There are also the ethical issues that arise such if the government should be agreeing to "genetically modified humans".

Honestly I'm not sure where I stand on this issue because I definitely feel a bit, confused using the term "genetically modified humans" but I also think that if these scientists can prevent life-threatening diseases in babies, that would be a very good thing. They could have a some-what normal life, not having to be in and out of the hospital, or not having to worry about how long they have left in there life. In the article it also says that the FDA panel will be meeting with critics to discuss some issues relating to this such as "designer babies" which they are calling a slippery slope. Parents may be able to pick their child's hair colour, or eye colour, intelligence or height. I personally think that if scientists are going to experiment with something like this to better the health in babies before their born, then it should be for health alone, not personal preferences of what their parents want them to look like. I think this has a possibility to be good thing, who wouldn't want to live in a healthier world?

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