Monday, February 10, 2014

Business Reflection #3

Bullying knows no age limit, experts say
Tuesday February 11, 2014

The business reflection that I chose to write about is senior bullying. Although there are many other places senior bullying takes place, an independent living facility in Kansas City, Connecticut is the one I am focusing on. Seniors are bullying other seniors, whether it be bossing them around, verbal putdowns, starting and spreading rumours, sometimes even physical violence. A woman living in a retirement residence reported enduring racial slurs and other residents said they were forced to speak English instead of their own language. Just last year another woman tried to overdose on prescription pills after another senior prevented her from visiting a family that lived in the same residence. After being bullied these seniors experience anxiety and depression leading to high blood pressure, fatigue, isolation, fear of rejection and reduced self-esteem.

Honestly I find this just as ridiculous as teens bullying teens. I would expect seniors (being the older generation) to understand the hurt and ridicule that they cause others. They are suppose to be the ones teaching us that bullying is wrong. If we can not depend on them to be good role-models for us to follow, then who else are we to learn from. These seniors feel just as hurt and the same amount of rejection as a teenager being bullied in a high school (or any age group for that matter). These negative actions are affecting seniors health (I would think) a lot more then a younger persons. Personally I can not stand bullying at all, because there is absolutely no need of it what so ever. The fact that these seniors already can not take care of themselves and need assistance and now they have someone making the last few years of their life horrible. Seniors shouldn't be living in fear of a bully or being bullied especially at that age, they should be enjoying the rest of their lives as best they can.
I really hope as time goes by people (older and younger) learn how much bullying affects people so there can finally be change.


  1. To be honest, when I think of bullying I always think of teenagers and not older generations let alone seniors! I agree with you that the older someone is the more mature and sympathetic to others you expect them to be! Bullying has never made any sense to me; I just don't understand how or why anyone would do such things to another person.

    Bullying has a great affect on younger people emotionally, however, when you are older it not only affects you emotionally, but also physically! This article really saddens me; hopefully, some course of action will be taken to, as you've said, allow these seniors to enjoy the rest of their lives.

  2. I totally agree! to most people bullying only exists in young adults and pre teens but its not so. I myself never realized that it happens with everyone even seniors. I only realized this when I was a nursing student and seen it among my older patients. This article not only saddens me but makes me want to get the awareness out that its not only young people who bully or get bullied!

  3. I really do no understand why bullying still goes on like this, especially regarding race. It is crazy, people should feel at home and safe in a living facility. It really isn't right.
