Google Glass partners with Ray-Ban maker Luxottica
Tuesday March 25, 2014
The article that I chose to write about is Google Glass partnering with Luxottica the creator of Ray-Ban and Oakley glasses, for a more stylish and majorly known name brands. Luxottica struck a deal with google to design, develop and distribute glasses; trying to bring the new technology to a wider market. Brands Ray-Ban and Oakley are expected to be part of the deal as well. Technology experts believe that wearable computer glasses are becoming the next big thing in marketing. Some people are having concern issues such as privacy invasion, data security and the safety of wearing internet-connected glasses while doing other things. The Chief Executive Officer told the newspaper that the new glasses would be ready to hit the market in 2015.
I think this is a great idea personally, because Oakley and Ray-Ban are well-known brand names; Google being well-known already. I believe both Luxottica and Google would benefit from partnering together. Google Glass is already being used widely, and having a stylish name brand to go along with it that would definitely promote both Google Glass and Luxottica.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Business Reflection #7
No more smell test? Colour-coded tags detect spoiled food
Tuesday March 17th 2014
The news article that I wrote about is colour-coded tags that detect spoiled foods. Researchers in china are discovering a way for people to know if their food is spoiled by a tiny gel-like tag, that sits on the container or package of food and changes colour to indicate the freshness of the food overtime. The tag would start off red - meaning fresh - then changes to various other colours: orange, yellow and green - meaning spoiled. The tags have tiny metallic nanorods that react and change colour when exposed to different chemicals in the air. The tags were tested with E.coli bacteria found in milk and can be used to indicate deterioration in food. They are expected to be relatively inexpensive to produce, costing less than one cent per tag. This technology could help both retailers and customers better predict the expiration date of various products.
As a consumer I think this is a very interesting product. I think most consumers have gone through a point in there life where they weren't sure if a food was spoiled or how long was left to be consumed or thrown out. This would definitely help retailers as well, they would know how fresh the food products they are selling are. Consumers would have more comfort knowing that the food they are buying at the grocery stores for themselves and/or family would be fresh and even in their own homes. Being inexpensive I could see these colour-coded food detecting tags having a great affect on everyone.
Tuesday March 17th 2014
The news article that I wrote about is colour-coded tags that detect spoiled foods. Researchers in china are discovering a way for people to know if their food is spoiled by a tiny gel-like tag, that sits on the container or package of food and changes colour to indicate the freshness of the food overtime. The tag would start off red - meaning fresh - then changes to various other colours: orange, yellow and green - meaning spoiled. The tags have tiny metallic nanorods that react and change colour when exposed to different chemicals in the air. The tags were tested with E.coli bacteria found in milk and can be used to indicate deterioration in food. They are expected to be relatively inexpensive to produce, costing less than one cent per tag. This technology could help both retailers and customers better predict the expiration date of various products.
As a consumer I think this is a very interesting product. I think most consumers have gone through a point in there life where they weren't sure if a food was spoiled or how long was left to be consumed or thrown out. This would definitely help retailers as well, they would know how fresh the food products they are selling are. Consumers would have more comfort knowing that the food they are buying at the grocery stores for themselves and/or family would be fresh and even in their own homes. Being inexpensive I could see these colour-coded food detecting tags having a great affect on everyone.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Business Relection #6
Women on corporate boards on the rise
February 11, 2014
The article that I chose to write about is more women on the board of public companies. The amount of women on companies is rising ever year. In 2011 there was approximately 10.3 percent of women in corporations and then increased in 2013 to about 12.2 percent. Companies are being put under pressure to become more diverse by including women in public affairs. In Ontario, there is a proposal to disclose the number of women on the company board and make their efforts public. The Catalyst Accord invites companies to sign on to efforts to increase the portion of board seats held by women to 25 percent by 2017. Women now account for 15.9 percent of board directors at 500 of Canada's largest companies.
I wrote my business reflection on this article because of course as a woman I see this as very empowering. I think this a great thing, it shows how diverse companies are becoming, considering both men and women have very different opinions, there could be more of an emotional aspect to the direction a company takes. It also gives other women opportunities to seek higher positions in a business, I think they would have more confidence to try and place themselves in a board position. Although I don't think there should be more males than females or vice versa, I do think all opinions on business related issues should be considered and I think better outcomes would arise.
February 11, 2014
The article that I chose to write about is more women on the board of public companies. The amount of women on companies is rising ever year. In 2011 there was approximately 10.3 percent of women in corporations and then increased in 2013 to about 12.2 percent. Companies are being put under pressure to become more diverse by including women in public affairs. In Ontario, there is a proposal to disclose the number of women on the company board and make their efforts public. The Catalyst Accord invites companies to sign on to efforts to increase the portion of board seats held by women to 25 percent by 2017. Women now account for 15.9 percent of board directors at 500 of Canada's largest companies.
I wrote my business reflection on this article because of course as a woman I see this as very empowering. I think this a great thing, it shows how diverse companies are becoming, considering both men and women have very different opinions, there could be more of an emotional aspect to the direction a company takes. It also gives other women opportunities to seek higher positions in a business, I think they would have more confidence to try and place themselves in a board position. Although I don't think there should be more males than females or vice versa, I do think all opinions on business related issues should be considered and I think better outcomes would arise.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Business Reflection #5
FDA weighs risks of 3-person embryo fertilization
February 25, 2014
The article I wrote is about the federal health regulators considering a new fertilization technique to create babies using the DNA of three people instead of two. The goal would be to prevent a genetic disease from transferring from mother to the baby. The discussion for the FDA is known as "scientific, technological and clinical". There are also the ethical issues that arise such if the government should be agreeing to "genetically modified humans".
Honestly I'm not sure where I stand on this issue because I definitely feel a bit, confused using the term "genetically modified humans" but I also think that if these scientists can prevent life-threatening diseases in babies, that would be a very good thing. They could have a some-what normal life, not having to be in and out of the hospital, or not having to worry about how long they have left in there life. In the article it also says that the FDA panel will be meeting with critics to discuss some issues relating to this such as "designer babies" which they are calling a slippery slope. Parents may be able to pick their child's hair colour, or eye colour, intelligence or height. I personally think that if scientists are going to experiment with something like this to better the health in babies before their born, then it should be for health alone, not personal preferences of what their parents want them to look like. I think this has a possibility to be good thing, who wouldn't want to live in a healthier world?
February 25, 2014
The article I wrote is about the federal health regulators considering a new fertilization technique to create babies using the DNA of three people instead of two. The goal would be to prevent a genetic disease from transferring from mother to the baby. The discussion for the FDA is known as "scientific, technological and clinical". There are also the ethical issues that arise such if the government should be agreeing to "genetically modified humans".
Honestly I'm not sure where I stand on this issue because I definitely feel a bit, confused using the term "genetically modified humans" but I also think that if these scientists can prevent life-threatening diseases in babies, that would be a very good thing. They could have a some-what normal life, not having to be in and out of the hospital, or not having to worry about how long they have left in there life. In the article it also says that the FDA panel will be meeting with critics to discuss some issues relating to this such as "designer babies" which they are calling a slippery slope. Parents may be able to pick their child's hair colour, or eye colour, intelligence or height. I personally think that if scientists are going to experiment with something like this to better the health in babies before their born, then it should be for health alone, not personal preferences of what their parents want them to look like. I think this has a possibility to be good thing, who wouldn't want to live in a healthier world?
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Business Reflection #4
Pot-smoking Mountie Ron Francis pleads not guilty to 3 charges
February 18, 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is a New Brunswick Mountie who made headlines for smoking marijuana in uniform. Cpl. Ron Francis plead not guilty to three charges: two of which were assaulting an officer and the last for resisting arrest. The RCMP officers held Ron Francis under the Mental Health Act fearing that he would hurt himself or others, and are waiting for psychiatric assessment. Ron Francis actually has a prescription for medical grade marijuana to treat his work-induced, post-traumatic stress disorder, although the issue that had arisen was if he shouldn't be smoking it in uniform; he was caught on video camera smoking in his red serge, claiming that he should be able to smoke marijuana while in uniform.
I chose this article because I find it a bit disturbing. I feel that if this officer, Ron Francis, has be detained concerning his mental well-being, why is he still an RCMP officer? Is he that good at his job? He is being charged with assaulting fellow officers.. The article mentions that he has work-induced PTSD, so why would they still need him as an officer? If his medical conditions are related to work and he needs medicinal marijuana, I think its completely wrong for him to be smoking it in uniform. I have absolutely no problem with people smoking marijuana at all, but when someone is an authority figure and they are arresting people for doing the same thing they were just doing, how is that right?
February 18, 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is a New Brunswick Mountie who made headlines for smoking marijuana in uniform. Cpl. Ron Francis plead not guilty to three charges: two of which were assaulting an officer and the last for resisting arrest. The RCMP officers held Ron Francis under the Mental Health Act fearing that he would hurt himself or others, and are waiting for psychiatric assessment. Ron Francis actually has a prescription for medical grade marijuana to treat his work-induced, post-traumatic stress disorder, although the issue that had arisen was if he shouldn't be smoking it in uniform; he was caught on video camera smoking in his red serge, claiming that he should be able to smoke marijuana while in uniform.
I chose this article because I find it a bit disturbing. I feel that if this officer, Ron Francis, has be detained concerning his mental well-being, why is he still an RCMP officer? Is he that good at his job? He is being charged with assaulting fellow officers.. The article mentions that he has work-induced PTSD, so why would they still need him as an officer? If his medical conditions are related to work and he needs medicinal marijuana, I think its completely wrong for him to be smoking it in uniform. I have absolutely no problem with people smoking marijuana at all, but when someone is an authority figure and they are arresting people for doing the same thing they were just doing, how is that right?
Monday, February 10, 2014
Business Reflection #3
Bullying knows no age limit, experts say
Tuesday February 11, 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is senior bullying. Although there are many other places senior bullying takes place, an independent living facility in Kansas City, Connecticut is the one I am focusing on. Seniors are bullying other seniors, whether it be bossing them around, verbal putdowns, starting and spreading rumours, sometimes even physical violence. A woman living in a retirement residence reported enduring racial slurs and other residents said they were forced to speak English instead of their own language. Just last year another woman tried to overdose on prescription pills after another senior prevented her from visiting a family that lived in the same residence. After being bullied these seniors experience anxiety and depression leading to high blood pressure, fatigue, isolation, fear of rejection and reduced self-esteem.
Honestly I find this just as ridiculous as teens bullying teens. I would expect seniors (being the older generation) to understand the hurt and ridicule that they cause others. They are suppose to be the ones teaching us that bullying is wrong. If we can not depend on them to be good role-models for us to follow, then who else are we to learn from. These seniors feel just as hurt and the same amount of rejection as a teenager being bullied in a high school (or any age group for that matter). These negative actions are affecting seniors health (I would think) a lot more then a younger persons. Personally I can not stand bullying at all, because there is absolutely no need of it what so ever. The fact that these seniors already can not take care of themselves and need assistance and now they have someone making the last few years of their life horrible. Seniors shouldn't be living in fear of a bully or being bullied especially at that age, they should be enjoying the rest of their lives as best they can.
I really hope as time goes by people (older and younger) learn how much bullying affects people so there can finally be change.
Tuesday February 11, 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is senior bullying. Although there are many other places senior bullying takes place, an independent living facility in Kansas City, Connecticut is the one I am focusing on. Seniors are bullying other seniors, whether it be bossing them around, verbal putdowns, starting and spreading rumours, sometimes even physical violence. A woman living in a retirement residence reported enduring racial slurs and other residents said they were forced to speak English instead of their own language. Just last year another woman tried to overdose on prescription pills after another senior prevented her from visiting a family that lived in the same residence. After being bullied these seniors experience anxiety and depression leading to high blood pressure, fatigue, isolation, fear of rejection and reduced self-esteem.
Honestly I find this just as ridiculous as teens bullying teens. I would expect seniors (being the older generation) to understand the hurt and ridicule that they cause others. They are suppose to be the ones teaching us that bullying is wrong. If we can not depend on them to be good role-models for us to follow, then who else are we to learn from. These seniors feel just as hurt and the same amount of rejection as a teenager being bullied in a high school (or any age group for that matter). These negative actions are affecting seniors health (I would think) a lot more then a younger persons. Personally I can not stand bullying at all, because there is absolutely no need of it what so ever. The fact that these seniors already can not take care of themselves and need assistance and now they have someone making the last few years of their life horrible. Seniors shouldn't be living in fear of a bully or being bullied especially at that age, they should be enjoying the rest of their lives as best they can.
I really hope as time goes by people (older and younger) learn how much bullying affects people so there can finally be change.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Business Reflection #2
Parents outraged after children ‘humiliated’ by school cafeteria staff who seized lunches from Utah students
Tuesday February 5, 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is a school in Salt Lake City, Utah: Uintah Elementary School to be exact, taking lunches from children actually, who have unpaid balances for lunches at the school. Salt Lake City School District Spokesman Jason Olsen said officials started contacting parents on Monday that they had overdue balances and started seizing children's lunches the very next day. Other parents got mixed up in the situation as well; some parents say they never got the message and some parents did. One parent called the school only to have the school say that they didn't have an overdue balance but their child got mixed up and still got their lunch taken away.
Whether I was a parent or not, I find this appalling, it is absolutely ridiculous. 32 of these children suffered because there parents did not get a message the school sent out THE DAY BEFORE. So, in front of all their teachers and classmates and the rest of the school, there children were no doubt mortified to have their pizzas and hot lunches get thrown in the garbage in front of everybody and given fruit and milk instead. I'm glad some of the other children were kind enough to share their lunches. All of the children were upset and confused as to what was going on. If a child doesn't have money for school on that day, so what, get a hold of their parents and deal with them about it, this should never reach the children, EVER. The schools will get reimbursed for it anyways, so why humiliate these children even more. The elementary school definitely went about the wrong way in dealing with the situation; I can not even begin to explain how much this blows me away.
The comments that go with this article are worth the read too.
Tuesday February 5, 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is a school in Salt Lake City, Utah: Uintah Elementary School to be exact, taking lunches from children actually, who have unpaid balances for lunches at the school. Salt Lake City School District Spokesman Jason Olsen said officials started contacting parents on Monday that they had overdue balances and started seizing children's lunches the very next day. Other parents got mixed up in the situation as well; some parents say they never got the message and some parents did. One parent called the school only to have the school say that they didn't have an overdue balance but their child got mixed up and still got their lunch taken away.
Whether I was a parent or not, I find this appalling, it is absolutely ridiculous. 32 of these children suffered because there parents did not get a message the school sent out THE DAY BEFORE. So, in front of all their teachers and classmates and the rest of the school, there children were no doubt mortified to have their pizzas and hot lunches get thrown in the garbage in front of everybody and given fruit and milk instead. I'm glad some of the other children were kind enough to share their lunches. All of the children were upset and confused as to what was going on. If a child doesn't have money for school on that day, so what, get a hold of their parents and deal with them about it, this should never reach the children, EVER. The schools will get reimbursed for it anyways, so why humiliate these children even more. The elementary school definitely went about the wrong way in dealing with the situation; I can not even begin to explain how much this blows me away.
The comments that go with this article are worth the read too.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Business Reflection #1
States consider reviving old-fashioned executions
Tuesday January 28th 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is lawmakers considering bringing back old-fashioned executions for state that still use capital punishment. As of now, some states use lethal injection drugs, when dealing with execution methods, but are now concerned that lethal injection drugs are in short supply and questioning there effectiveness. There were two lawmakers from Missouri and Wyoming that are in favor of bringing back and older styles of execution, such as: the firing squad, electrocution, gas chambers, and various other methods.
I honestly am not sure what to think of this article, because I am completely against the death penalty for starters; I think that bringing back methods that delay these criminals death is inhumane, on the flip side they crimes they have committed could have been just as bad, if not worse. A professor of criminal justice at a university in Missouri said, "some lawmakers simply don't believe convicted murderers deserve any mercy." Which I feel, all depends on the type of crime the criminal committed, but I also am not sure as to whether they can have different outcomes (as in a person-to-person basis), if one criminals wrongdoings are worse then another. Personally, I think that if the courts are going to go through all that time at trials and in court then they should also discuss what the method of the death penalty would be suitable for that person. if they deserve a slow painful death or if it should be quick.
I thought this was a very different article then the ones I was writing about before.
Tuesday January 28th 2014
The business reflection that I chose to write about is lawmakers considering bringing back old-fashioned executions for state that still use capital punishment. As of now, some states use lethal injection drugs, when dealing with execution methods, but are now concerned that lethal injection drugs are in short supply and questioning there effectiveness. There were two lawmakers from Missouri and Wyoming that are in favor of bringing back and older styles of execution, such as: the firing squad, electrocution, gas chambers, and various other methods.
I honestly am not sure what to think of this article, because I am completely against the death penalty for starters; I think that bringing back methods that delay these criminals death is inhumane, on the flip side they crimes they have committed could have been just as bad, if not worse. A professor of criminal justice at a university in Missouri said, "some lawmakers simply don't believe convicted murderers deserve any mercy." Which I feel, all depends on the type of crime the criminal committed, but I also am not sure as to whether they can have different outcomes (as in a person-to-person basis), if one criminals wrongdoings are worse then another. Personally, I think that if the courts are going to go through all that time at trials and in court then they should also discuss what the method of the death penalty would be suitable for that person. if they deserve a slow painful death or if it should be quick.
I thought this was a very different article then the ones I was writing about before.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
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